Wednesday, July 23, 2008

i am back and i am hawt!

your attention please!

i'm back. it's been ages since i wrote my last entry and it was even a blah entry. i had so many photo shoots lined up, my blog had to take a backseat. all weekends of july, i was doing shoots for my friends and fyi, i'm fully booked until august. i'll share those photos in another entry. i have to say this. while i'm writing this entry, i am almost drooling. i just got my braces adjusted and the wires are so tight, it feels like i have hundred tootache all at the same time. my mouth is producing saliva every 3 seconds (sorry that was gross). enough about that.

meanwhile, i just want you all to know that i am back. i got this lovely lovely welcome back present from fellow bloger and friend kiss the bitch:

it's good to know that i still have my magic as your attention wore. thank y'all!

peace out.

ps: i'm so excited for my next entry but i am not sure if i should post it or not. we'll see.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

for the win

your attention please!

did you ever experience that feeling that you're too dead sure you're going to win at something?

well, this entry is about that. the moment i submitted our entry to the tarpaulin design contest sponsored by my account, i knew we're going to bag the top prize. the theme was power of one. an agent empowerment program geared at stressing the importance of each individual contribution to the over-all team's performance.

so this is the winning entry:

i came up with the concept but i asked a good friend for post processing. this photo was shot at around 6:45 am at a cafe near our building. under the early morning heat, i took the photo at the cafe's rooftop.

this is really special to me because this is my first win involving my photography. i hope this is a start of good things about to come. like they say, the best is yet to come. i certainly hope so. i'm keeping my fingers crossed *toes included*. (",)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

its 200mm baby!

your attention please!

it's a Nikon 55-200mm DX VR baby!

i can't wait to use it. imagine all the photo opportunities!

paparazzi mode, eh?

ps: i'm so lazy to take actual pictures. i'll post photos of me with this new piece of joy very soon!