Wednesday, July 23, 2008

i am back and i am hawt!

your attention please!

i'm back. it's been ages since i wrote my last entry and it was even a blah entry. i had so many photo shoots lined up, my blog had to take a backseat. all weekends of july, i was doing shoots for my friends and fyi, i'm fully booked until august. i'll share those photos in another entry. i have to say this. while i'm writing this entry, i am almost drooling. i just got my braces adjusted and the wires are so tight, it feels like i have hundred tootache all at the same time. my mouth is producing saliva every 3 seconds (sorry that was gross). enough about that.

meanwhile, i just want you all to know that i am back. i got this lovely lovely welcome back present from fellow bloger and friend kiss the bitch:

it's good to know that i still have my magic as your attention wore. thank y'all!

peace out.

ps: i'm so excited for my next entry but i am not sure if i should post it or not. we'll see.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

for the win

your attention please!

did you ever experience that feeling that you're too dead sure you're going to win at something?

well, this entry is about that. the moment i submitted our entry to the tarpaulin design contest sponsored by my account, i knew we're going to bag the top prize. the theme was power of one. an agent empowerment program geared at stressing the importance of each individual contribution to the over-all team's performance.

so this is the winning entry:

i came up with the concept but i asked a good friend for post processing. this photo was shot at around 6:45 am at a cafe near our building. under the early morning heat, i took the photo at the cafe's rooftop.

this is really special to me because this is my first win involving my photography. i hope this is a start of good things about to come. like they say, the best is yet to come. i certainly hope so. i'm keeping my fingers crossed *toes included*. (",)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

its 200mm baby!

your attention please!

it's a Nikon 55-200mm DX VR baby!

i can't wait to use it. imagine all the photo opportunities!

paparazzi mode, eh?

ps: i'm so lazy to take actual pictures. i'll post photos of me with this new piece of joy very soon!

Monday, June 23, 2008

take me to badian

your attention please!

i know it's already the rainy season. but there's something about badian that makes me wish it's still summer. i, along with my friends and work peers, visited this lovely get away last june 14th. it's such a beautiful place. i insist on taking you all for a quick tour.

please take me back to badian.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

512 and still counting

your attention please!

i'm so excited right now. i didn't believe it myself. but it's really happening. so what am i talking about? i'm talking about this.

last march i got 328 hits for my friendster account. i thought this was going to be my all time high. but like they always say, the best is yet to come.

and poof! just like that, i opened my friendster account today and oh em gee!!! i receive a whopping (drum roll please) 512 hits! impossible? NOT! take a look at this baby:

june hasn't really closed yet, so i'm really excited what will be my final tally for this month. is this exciting or what? i think i'm the only person who's really excited. but i don't care. you know, little things excite me and this is definitely one of them. i should probably run a fund raising of some sort. for every hit i receive, i will be donating something to a charitable institution somewhere. but, that's too much i guess. i prefer to just write about this whole thing and make a big deal about it.

this is such a cool thing. this whole friendster hits things really puts me in a spot and validates me as your attention whore. yey! 512 profile views. imagine that's like 22 hits per day. yes, i know my math. that's like 512 spread over 23 days so far for the month of june.

now, if only i could figure out a way to also increase my hits for my blogspot account... (",)

Monday, June 16, 2008

the checklist of the checklist

your attention please!

i was in a bind last week, i was almost overwhelmed with so many things to do. i had a checklist as a matter of fact. so here's a follow-up entry, a checklist of the checklist.

i'm already done with item # 1. i've already posted the photos in my multiply page. here's a sampler:

those cheekbones are to die for! there's more of them. so, when you have time, visit my multiply page. just click here. there are still some unprocessed photos, but these photos will never end up being posted (sigh) anyway. this was the request of my subject, who i fondly call as the chinese (not the english) patient. so, i'm technically done but not really. i know i'm confusing you. let's leave it that way.

i'm still doing item #2. in fairness to me, you can't expect somebody to stort through 147 songs in just on seating you know. 147 songs @ probably 4 minutes each equals 9 hours and more. i'm midway through the playlist. i already have a few favorites. among them are songs from chico sci (i'm not sure if they're local or not) and some songs from other bands. i still have 60 or 70 more songs to go. so, rock on!

items 3 and 4 are a goner. i had so much fun in badian. i'll be posting those photos really soon after i'm done working with the photos i took from the awards night (as mentioned in item #5). as for the photoshoot, it went really well. i've already picked which photos to post. i just need to process them. i'll be able to take care of this once i'm done with our badian photos. see how organized i am? one after the other, awards night photos then badian photos and then lastly the photo set from my most recent photoshoot.

we're down to the last item, item #5: what did i wear last friday?

here's what i wore:

i had to rest my yashmaghs for that night since it was a coat and tie event. i didn't want to wear something really formal so i just threw a cardigan over this black polo that went with a tie. so, it was still a coat and tie number (i think), but very contemporary, not really formal. these photos were taken by my co-team manager inside the office. the composition is perfect don't you agree? she could be a photographer too. i'm so happy my managers and colleagues are supportive (or probably tolerant) of me. as a token of my gratitude, i'd like to give them a first look of their picture together with, no less than, our GM (wearing the violet gown) during the awards night:

aren't they lovely? of course they are. i have fabulous friends you know.

fyi: your attention whore was not in this photo. i was the person behind the lens when this shot was taken. tsk, tsk, one of the downsides of being a photographer. to my dear colleagues, watch out for the complete photo set. i'll be uploading them soon!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

this OC needs some organization

your attention please!

i need some serious organization.

the past few days have been crazy, i've been thrown off balance because i had to change schedules for monday and tuesday to attend an off-site training sponsored and paid by my company (it's the john maxwell leadership summit. sweet!). my body clock has not really reverted to it's normal state and i have had troubles sleeping. i am a normally organized person but i don't get to seem to practice this lately. i'm not sure if it's because i'm sleep deprived, or probably i've become unorganized for the past few days because i've become lazy. thankfully, my office responsibilities are not affected because i still meet my deadlines (kudos to me! you can even ask my boss.). but i have a lot of pending things to do, they are:

1. edit photos from a photo shoot 2 weeks ago. i think i'm midway through the photo set now. but, there's just alot of things to do with the photos, i can't seem to finish it. i've already favorited some photos. actually there's just a few of them, 5 or 8 but it needs some editing primarily because of poor lighting. i plan to complete and finish the editing by sunday so i can post them on monday. the photo on the left is a sneak peek of the shoot. cedric used my ixus to capture the behind the scenes during the shoot.

2. organize my ipod. a good friend recently DL'd songs for me. i have listened to some of the songs but i have not really started moving these songs to my ipod. the selection is really interesting, i have a good feeling i'll enjoy listening to them. but for now, it's still stuck in this small usb stick. i plan to start doing this today just in time for my badian weekend. i plan to listen to the music during the travel to and fro badian, take down mental notes for any song detail that needs correction. i pay attention to the title of the song, the artist's name, whether the spelling is correct or not, categorize each song and attach an an artwork. you know the album cover. quality is also important. when i organize my ipod, i don't simply dump the song in a general playlist, i assign them a particular playlist for ease of finding. i also make sure i don't duplicate songs in my ipod. any duplicate shall be deleted.

3. pack my stuff for the weekend. remember that badian trip that was postponed at the eleventh hour? it's going to push through this saturday. arggh! i haven't even thought of what to bring with me. i'm not even sure if i still have my toiletry kit for the trip. i keep a separate toiletry kit dedicated just for travel purposes. i'm not even sure if the clothes i plan to bring are in my closet. which reminds me, my clothes are still inside a plastic bag. the laundry woman dropped by last monday and wednesday and i haven't took them out from the plastic bags yet. er, this is not happening.

4. conceptualize for the shoot for this weekend. i'll be taking photos of my friend this weekend and i don't have a clear concept yet. it's like my creative juices have been drained. i need inspiration, yet this is so difficult to get when you only get sleep for 3 hours for the past 2 days.

5. decide what outfit to wear for the awards night this friday. yearly, the company i work for recognize outstanding employees for their excellent performance for the previous year. as a team manager, i am invited as a guest, but i'm still not sure what to wear.

that's already 5 and there's more. i also need to do some household chores which include, changing my bedsheet and curtains. so many things to do, so little time.

i'm so sleepy right now but i have to start organizing my ipod. while updating my ipod, i'll browse the internet to get inspiration for the shoot. i'll resume editing the photos when i get back from badian this sunday and i'll pack my stuff for my badian weekend after my friday's shift. there, i think i have it figured it out. i think my organization skills are still with me.

now, what to wear for friday?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

new haircut

your attention please!

i got a new haircut. it's a radical change from my super long hair. i got bored with it and i felt i needed some updating. the guy from the salon understood what i wanted so i gave him a freehand with my hair. here it is:

my friends and officemates were surprised to see me sport a new do. but their feedback were all positive so i love all of them. but, tell me what you think. you know me, i'm your attention whore...

*more photos in my multiply homepage. just click here.

Monday, June 2, 2008

sex was in the city

your attention please!

sex was in the city last weekend. well, this seemed like the theme for the weekend. it came but it didn't stay. let me tell you why.

saturday. i met up with two of my buddies and we went to a gay bar. i think the bar's name is really cute. it's called tarzan boy:


it wasn't at all my idea. it was, as a matter of fact my friend's idea, but i was happy to tag along. it was an ok experience. no photos were allowed inside but i've managed to take a snapshot of their neon signage. the place was clean and it felt safe. it didn't give me the feeling that the local police will just show and declare raid. after feasting our eyes (yes, we only watched. no more, no less) on the dancer's almost naked bodies, we went to this bar called numero doce.

i have not been to that place before, so it was my first visit ever. the place was packed and it was screaming sex all over the place. i saw couples lip-locking, french kissing actually, their hands traveling all over each other's bodies. there were all sorts of gay. everybody was well represented. from your rich gay to the working class gay. from the senior citizen down to the high school gay, or probably even grade school gay, from the straight acting down to the cross-dressing, out in the open gay. overall, it was a fun experience for me. i never really thought this club scene exists in cebu. it was my first time so see two people lip lock in front of me. nonetheless, it was a good expsoure for me. but, i'm not sure if i'll ever find myself frequenting the bar, but we'll see.

sunday. i watched sex and the city with a friend and fellow blogger, noel.

i loved the movie, but i slept through the second half of the movie. i did not get any sleep from our saturday barhopping inspired night. i think the dresses were fabulous. although i think i love the series more than the movie because the tv series had more juice. but it was probably mtrcb's censorship that made the movie less juicier. the cuts were so evident. i think samantha jones was amazingly funny. she's my favorite among the four. i got carrie'd away by her acting skills. after the movie, i met up with a guy friend, cedric, to grab some dinner. he has his own blog site as well. he's officially single now, so he's out in the market.

that's cedric wearing my aviators, at night!

ladies, pm me for a hook up. lol! btw, i did a shoot with him, you may click here to view the photos. you all have to see it!

Monday, May 26, 2008


your attention please!

by now, i'm getting a feeling that indiana jones is not a good movie. i've smsd all of my friends and they all turned me down. ouch! somehow, the movie does not appeal to them. this is exactly one of the downsides of being single. you can never get a movie date right away. and then i thought, would my single life be more fabulous if i'm with somebody? truth is, i've never been really in a relationship ever. as matter of fact, i've never been with anybody, if you know what i mean. it's a choice i've made and it's a difficult choice to stand by. but to answer my own question, i really don't know if things would have been different and i don't think i'll ever know. pathetic, i know.

my thumb has been sore sending sms. nobody still wants to see the movie with me. it's tough being alone. but then again, it could have been the movie.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

you know you love me

your attention please!

so, i got a tag from blog gurl last week for my contribution to the blogging community with emphasis on creativity, design and material. i know, it's nothing major. but, an award is still an award right?

after the tag, i was not really expecting something else. but, the fates must have been on my side, when i came across this entry. y'all have to read about it. it's the nicest thing ever written about me.

first the tag, second the write up. so, what's next? win a miss universe title? no, definitely not. one thing is for sure, you know you love me...

(photo taken during my recent moalboal trip)


mygreenboi, your attention whore

ps: remember i mentioned in my previous post i'll be spending the weekend in moalboal? click here to see some of the photos. i'll be posting more photos so watch out for it.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

the attention whore has arrived

your attention please!

y'all know i'm an attention whore right? imagine how happy i was when i get tagged by blog gurl to receive the arte y pico award. i think i died and went straight to heaven.

isn't she loveliest the thing evar? i can't believe it, there's actually one person out there who thinks my posts are worth her time. to my other dear readers (if there are any), you all give meaning to my being as an attention whore. thank y'all.

ok, enough drama. so, what does it take to get this tag?

here are the mechanics:

1) You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also for contributing to the blogging community, no matter what language.

2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.

3) Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.

4) Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y Pico" blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
Make sure you visit the link above.

i had a hard time picking my favorites. so, my major criteria was how frequent do i visit the blog. after putting this criterion in place, i came up with my list. and the winners are:

the lyka bergen show
diva wears nada
mandaya moore-orlis
tigguh's life in random

congratulations y'all!

alright, that's all from me for now. this attention whore needs to get some beauty rest. i'm off to a a beautiful island this weekend. exactly how beautiful? this beautiful:

moalboal, here i come!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

happy feet

your attention please!

crocs is probably the ugliest footwear i've ever seen in my entire life. i'm typically a form over function person. i like things to look pretty, most especially if i get to wear them. but this fashion philosophy took
a back seat when i purchased a pair of crocs yesterday.

they're unbelievably lightweight and comf
ortable, i love wearing them. if i could wear them everyday to the office with my business casual, i'd probably do it. but of course i'll look funny wearing my dress slacks and polo with these pair of silly looking sandals. so, it's a definite no-no.

just like what others say, don't judge the book by its cover. or in this case, when buying footwear, don't let your eyes deceive you, use your feet!

on an entirely different topic, i went to my orthodontist today, straight from my 10pm-7am shift, for my regular check up. i fondly call him dokkie. he went through the routine stuff: he checked my teeth, then my braces, then he replaced the rubber bands. everything was boring until he asked his assistant to bring out the scalpel. i was jolted from the chair, i stood up and asked dokkie several questions. there were other medical stuff he discussed, most of them i didn't understand, but the bottom line was, he needed to remove a portion of my gum line to prevent my teeth from moving.

that's dokkie preparing the scalpel.

look at the size of that needle!

anyway, the whole thing did not hurt. but, i felt so funny because after the procedure was finished, it felt like my lips was like 10 inches thick. for a moment, i felt like angelina jolie with an imaginary super sized lips.

alright, enough blabbing. i must get some sleep now. mygreenboi signing out.

Monday, May 12, 2008

it's raining, men.

your attention please!

the rainy days are here and summer is officially off the calendar. this is such a major bummer because i haven't really summered at all.

last month, we planned a beach get away in bantayan, a small island north of cebu.

the place boasts of crystal clear waters and its long stretch of powdery sand. think boracay!

our plan never materialized because everybody changed their minds at the eleventh hour. i was drooling looking at the photos. i can only imagine the countless photo opportunities i could have with sixto. i'm still hoping i can visit this paradise since my friends are still planning on going middle of june. so, i'm keeping my fingers crossed (toes included).

meanwhile, my company will have a team outing this weekend at a pool resort just outside the city. this is how it looks like:

i know it's not as beautiful as bantayan, but it's the only piece of summer i will be getting (if there is anything left of it).

so, i am bidding goodbye to summer. now, say hello to my fake tan.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

weekend tv programming is crap

your attention please!

imagine the horror i had when the first thing i saw when i turned on the tv was this:

his nose was just overwhelming. it was like plastered across the whole screen. i immediately turned off the tv and resorted to surfing the internet instead. internet is so much better during weekends. tv programming on weekends is crap. i should probably get cable.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

happy mother's day mama!

your attention please.

you know how the saying goes action speaks louder than words?

my mama is never the wordy type. you see, i come from a family who has a hard time expressing our love towards each other through words. we never say i love you in public. but there is this one incident that really stands out. while having a casual conversation with mama, she asked me if i still have plans of settling down, get married and start a family. i, of course, immediately dismissed the idea. but what she said after that moved me, she said: "if i'm already gone, who will take care of you?". up to this day, every time i remember this, i get teary eyed. while i'm writing this post, my eyes are swelling with tears. it's true, mothers will always love you unconditionally. they may not say it all the time, but every inch of them screams their love towards their children.

mama may not not always say she loves me, but i know she loves me no matter what, gay or straight.

happy mother's day ma! i love you.

Friday, May 9, 2008

mariah for photoshop

your attention please!

behold the power of photoshop:

look at those man-made curves. i also use photoshop to process my photos. but this, i have to say, is one of the best photoshop jobs i've seen. it makes me want to grab a bikini, pose ala mimi and sing: Retouch my body, Put me on the floor, Wrestle me around...Retouch my body!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

ladies and gentlemen, jordin sparks

your attention please!

i took sixto (my nikon d60, for those who doesn't know) for some fun. i asked one of my office mates to pose for me.

ladies and gentlemen, i give you jordin sparks:

that's the real jordin sparks. here are the photos i took:

(click photos to enlarge)

i did her make-up and the photo shoot in less than 2 hours. i know, the shot is still amateur. but practice makes perfect, right?

so that i can really do some practice, i'm doing a project right now. i'll be taking profile head shots or photo shoot or whatever for my friends and officemates. i think it's a lovely and a very exciting idea. i'm thinking one subject every weekend. which brings me to my dilemma: i need volunteers.

pretty please, c
an you be my volunteer?

fight the seven signs of aging!

your attention please.
no, i did not buy olay total effects because gretchen barreto is endorsing it...

no gretchen barreto will ever convince me to buy a pro
i bought the product because ed, a straight guy friend of mine, is proof that the product really works. being an island boy (he was formerly the project manager of an underwater project for shangri la boracay), he loves soaking under the sun. but one time, he had too much sun exposure, his face turned super red. his mom gave him olay total effects to remedy the sun damage. after barely 2 weeks, his face really looked nice. rosy cheeks, smooth , radiant and all. i learned all about this when i had my coaching session with him. i can really tell the product works because i was staring at his face up close. i really noticed the changes, as in. i bought the variant for oily skin since my face is like a minola factory.

ed's the guy in the photo to the right, taken wayback october 2007, pre-olay total effects. his skin looks a lot clearer now. ssshh, he doesn't know i'm posting his photo in my site. ;-)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

make love with the camera!

your attention please!

i've decided. i'm naming my nikon d60 as sixto(ooh) with the ooh factor.

*i look harassed in the pic. i took that photo around 11 am after 18 hours of no sleep

Sunday, May 4, 2008

meet my boyfriend

your attention please.

everybody calls their new toy baby. but i think i'm too young to be a mother or a father so i refuse to call my new toy baby. instead, i'm calling him my boyfrie
nd. here he is:

(it's a nikon d60, yey!)

now, what i need is a name for new boy toy. gik calls her d60 dixie. as in short for d60. charles calls his d40 nikki for obvious reasons. ivy calls hers nikko. so, it looks like i'm the only person left with no name for my newest toy. so, i need your creative powers to work for me. help me come up with a name, pretty please?

ps: i'd like to thank two guys who helped me get this new toy. they are:

butch who helped me decide which unit to go for. i was deciding to either get a d40x or a d60. a dslr owner himself (he owns a canon eos 400d), he pointed out the pros and cons of each unit. i ended up buying the d60, thanks to his advice.


arvin who braved the streets of quiapo and bought the camera for me. i jokingly call him my new best friend because of the favor he extended to me. thank you bff!

pps: whoever comes up with the coolest name will win a dinner date with either butch or arvin. kidding! i'm serious on the name though.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

rock is my new pop

your attention please!

you'll never guess what's the latest addition to my ipod.

i'm usually a pop music person. i think the lyrics are so much easier to remember, especially when it comes to the chorus part. but lately i am being drawn to listening to rock music. an officemate lent me three of his cds of a local band called urbandub. apparently, this band had its humble roots here in the queen city of the south. i have not listened through the whole playlist, but i have good vibes about this whole new addition to my itunes library. this is a deviation from the kind of music i'm into but what the heck, i say, rock on!

for the fashion naive

your attention please!

this post is for the fashion naive.

to the girl who asked me why i'm wearing a table runner take a look at this:

and this:

to the guy who commented that i'm starting a trend and yet nobody seems to be following, take a look at this:

this is THE trend. i'm not starting one, correction.

back to the girl who doesn't know what to call these things. fyi, it's called a yashmagh. you ignorant!